Friday, February 1, 2013

Cradle My Heart

Last night,
I was lying on the rooftop,
thinking of you.

I saw a special Star,
and summoned her to take you a message. 

I prostrated myself to the Star
and asked her to take my prostration
to that Sun of Tabriz.

So that with his light, he can turn
my dark stones into gold.

I opened my chest and showed her my scars,
I told her to bring me news
of my bloodthirsty Lover.

As I waited,
I paced back and forth,
until the child of my heart became quiet.

The child slept, as if I were rocking his cradle.
Oh Beloved, give milk to the infant of the heart,
and don't hold us from our turning. 

You have cared for hundreds,
don't let it stop with me now.

At the end, the town of unity is the place for the heart.
Why do you keep this bewildered heart
in the town of dissolution?

I have gone speechless, but to rid myself
of this dry mood,
oh Saaqhi, pass the narcissus of the wine

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī , also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī and more popularly in the English-speaking world simply as Rumi (30 September 1207 – 17 December 1273), was a 13th-century  Muslim poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic.

For Rumi, to be a lover of God was not to make some inflated claim for oneself, but actually to admit one's vulnerability and even helplessness before this Love as He wrote :

Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries. 

A lover may be drawn to this love or that love,
but finally he is drawn to the Sovereign of Love.

However much we describe and explain love,
when we fall in love we are ashamed of our words.

Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear,
but love unexplained is clearer.

When the pen came to the subject of love, it broke.
When the discourse reached the topic of love,
the pen split and the paper tore.

If intellect tries to explain it,
it falls helpless as a donkey on a muddy trail;
only Love itself can explain love and lovers!
The proof of the sun is the sun itself.

If you wish to see it, don't turn away from it.

Rumi's most famous work in 7 books, and 24,660 couplets, in Farsi and some Arabic..

Many of Rumi's poems convey feelings of great joy, such confident expressions of belonging and pleasure:
My soul wants to fly away when your presence calls it so sweetly.
My soul wants to take flight, when you whisper, "Arise."
A fish wants to dive from dry land into the ocean, when it hears the drum beating "Return."
A Sufi, shimmering with light, wants to dance like a sunbeam when darkness summons him.

Syafuan Gani
Doha, Qatar

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